I was informed earlier this week that the kids at school have finally figured out who I am engaged to. I always talk about Rylan..and the juniors and seniors remember Mr. Rusk. They also know that I will be called Mrs. Rusk next year..but they have never put 2 and 2 together...until recently. And a group of them were apparantly talking in their Co-op class about how in the world he got me. They just could not understand why I was dating Rylan...I had a talk with a few other teachers about it this morning and I had to laugh. I just thought to myself...boy if I were in high school...they'd be thinking 'How did she get him.'
We had State Testing yesterday and today and I helped proctor them. Therefore this afternoon, I have to be here but I don't have to teach...I will probably help decorate for prom for a little bit..which is always exciting! Rylan is gone Friday night and Saturday...I'll be sure to take some pictures at Prom Saturday night while I'm chaperoning to show everyone!