Friday, August 12, 2011

Vacation 2011 - OBX

We're packing everything up. And I've decided this is the first year that I really haven't been ready to go home by the end of the week. I think I could stay another week and just enjoy the sun and relaxation!

My snack on the beach this year has been an apple each day. McKenna demanded that she have some of my apple. She was sitting on my towel with me and climbed right up in my face to watch me eat it.

I let her chew on the core once I was done..and she LOVED it! She could only get little bits off with her 2 lil teeth..but she chewed on it for a good 15 minutes.

Mom showed McKenna how to play the piano and she thoroughly enjoyed it. I videoed them for awhile to capture the moment. It's crazy that she's almost a year old already!!

Our view from the deck. We enjoyed many evenings sitting outside.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

OBX Vacation

Everyone is enjoying themselves and definitely not ready to go home!