Monday, January 26, 2009

Wedding Program

Mom and I spent Friday night and Saturday morning cutting these pictures and folding the cardstock. There is just over 300 of them. We will do the embossing when we can have at least 4 of us working on them. Things are really getting wrapped up with the wedding stuff. We only have about 60 more invitations to address, the outside of the programs to emboss, the inserts for the programs need printed, and then the programs need put together. Both of the showers are in March..I'm so excited about them! We sign on our house on the 9th of February..and one of us hopes to be in it by mid-March. 2009 is such an exciting year for us! Below is a picture of the outside of our program. This is our sample...the picture on the front is the baby picture of us kissing.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Trying on Dresses

Some shots of the rest of the girls getting fitted for their dresses.

Samantha & I

Grayce Burgener

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wedding Invitations

Mom and I worked on invitations for about 2 hours on Tuesday night. Then Rylan, Mom, and I worked on them for another 2 hours last night. And we're still not done! This is just insane! And I know the programs will take even longer than the invitations. However, the invitations are very unique and I love them! The programs will be too! We meet with Pastor Jerry tonight about our ceremony and everything. Seems like the wedding stuff is rolling smoothly right now! Hope it goes that way during the week of our wedding too!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Crazy Weeks

Wow! New classes on Monday and then no school on Tuesday. Coming back to school on Wednesday was like starting the semester all over again. How crazy!

Alicia and I venting about our crazy start to the Spring semester. I love this girl! I don't know who I would spend my lunches with or walk with or go to games with if she weren't around! Hopefully next week is better for us both! You gotta love the chatty freshmen though! :

Mom, Samantha, Jennifer and Grayce Burgener, and I all go to Effingham tomorrow for Sam and Grayce to get fitted for their dresses. The invitations and program stamps should be finished at the Print Shoppe in the next few days. I'm ready to get everything wrapped when we get our house...we can start painting and moving me in! I can't wait!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Time To Start Refocusing

It seems like there is so little time to complete so much stuff. Yet mom and I were talking last night..and it doesn't seem like there's too much to do. Wedding planning is just a little overwhelming I guess!

We went to Effingham Saturday. Hilary, Kristen, Erin, and August tried on their dresses. Leslie and Jen are going today with me..Samantha and Grayce go Saturday. And we'll fit Raeleigh in there somewhere too.
Isn't she sweet! This isn't the dress they will be wearing but this was the same brand and closest to her size for her to try on.

She wanted her arm measured while they were measuring her! The ladies in The Giving Tree really enjoyed her! Thanks for being such a great sport August!

New Years Eve

We spent New Years at Travis and Amy Tarr's house. After much confusion and laughter of learning a new card game, we decided to play a few games in the basement. Talk about histerical! I don't think Rylan and I have had this much fun on New Years in a long time.

Amanda Tarr, Amy Tarr, Me, Sarah Horner

Rylan and I are blessed to have friends like these! Now if they can all just wait and have some kids when we have our kids can play together! I love these girls!