Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Crochet Hats

So I've been crocheting some hats and I'm so excited that I'm able to just pick up and run with it..especially since I haven't crocheted since I was a Freshman at Eastern. They are so adorable!! I am going to work on some scarves and put them on here too.
The infant/toddler/children hats are $15..scarves are $20 and adult hats are $20..scarves are $25. You can customize them any way you want..color..flower size..etc. The silk flowers do come off, whereas the crochet flowers are tied on..I can also layer the crochet flowers up to 3 layers deep.

I have so many ideas and whenever I get time to sit down and crochet some more this weekend..I'll do so and post pictures of them! I've had many high school students in my classes as for hats to match their winter coats..they love them! Let me know if you'd like one..any color and any size..

This one is for Travis and Amy Tarr's little girl..Marlee Belle..she was born yesterday afternoon. I got her brown cowboy boots with pink I made her a hat to match! TOO CUTE!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Girls Night

Kate came home for the weekend for Pat's we decided to have a girls night, Saturday night, after we had dinner with the whole family. We spent most of our evening at Hi-Benders in Ste. Marie..dancing with Kenny Kraus..talking to Terri..a lady dad used to date..playing pool..and so much more.

Kenny nearly made me sick..he's such a great dancer! And it reminded me so much of the summer we spent so much time at the cabin and Leslie and Kenny would dance almost every night to whatever was playing.We had a GREAT night at was definitely..well..almost the highlight of our night. The real highlight was Leslie and Kate sitting in the Alley behind the Gypsy duck taping Kate's shoe back together because I stepped on it. Too funny!! We were leaving the Gypsy and had our hands on the person's hips in front of us..running out the back door..and I stepped on the back of Kate's shoe. Directly after I stepped on her shoe and broke it..she said something to me like "Amy, you f***ing's not like you're Mufasa and I'm Simba and you're chasing me through the jungle trying to save me!" (It's from the movie LionKing!)
I nearly laughed my ass off! It was so funny!! And it's so Kate to come up with something like that! I laugh every time I even think about what she said! Oh what a great night!! Below is a picture of Leslie and Kate duck taping Kate's shoe back together..

Oh..did I mention that we ended up at the TownHouse in Lawrenceville..and I almost beat the crap outta this guy across the bar from me because he was looking at Leslie and Kate's boobs..Yah! I think I had my fair share of fun Saturday night..we're hopefully gonna do this every time Kate comes home because we had the best time ever!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Haircut I'm ready for a new do. And I like messy but big hair..So I found this style that I LOVE! I would have the sides be long enough to hit my jaw line and I would have as much hair in my face..but I like the sweeping bangs and the messy/chunky look of it. It's very similar to what I have now..just a LOT shorter. I'm also gonna have my natural color pulled with a little bit of auburn and carmel chunky highlights. So..I need everyone's thoughts before I get it cut. Do you like it?? Is it me?? Do you think it would look good on me?Sometimes I think I'm as bad as Leslie..she gets a new haircut and then I get an itch to get one. HOWEVER..I have been thinking about either letting it grow or getting it whacked short again. And I'm leaning towards it being short....cuz I love being able to add height to it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So Erin texted me last night and told about and it is the coolest thing discovered so far on the web!! She told me to plug in my blog website and the largest words are the words you use most. I made several and showed my web design kids today and I've let them play on it today!! The love it!! You can print them and everything!! I think I'm going to frame one about Rylan and I and our lives. I made the one above by inserting my blog website and it generated this. How cool!!

My New Hutch

Mom and Pat got Rylan and I a Broyhill Attick Heirlooms stlye Hutch from Timberlake Furniture as a wedding gift and it was delivered yesterday!! I was so excited that I had to fill it with my Longaberger dishes!! It matches my table perfectly and it fits great in my dining room.