Thursday, January 21, 2010

Oh Guess What!?!?

I'm gonna be an aunt and Rylan's gonna be an uncle!! Little Miss Leslie is pregnant! Yep! You heard that right! Leslie is gonna have a wittle baby!! She's about 5 weeks along and due September 21st. She goes back to the Dr. next month and she will have her first ultrasound then! OHH I can't wait till it's my turn!! I just love babies and pregnant people!! (Can you tell I'm SUPER excited?!?)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Another First For Us!

So yesterday was mom's birthday..HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!! We celebrated her birthday with everyone at Mimi's by eating lunch. My job was to make a first pies ever made all by myself..with Rylan's help of course. We love to bake and cook!

I made a dessert a couple weeks ago that was an apple-blackberry crumble. So I did the same thing this time..only in the version of a pie. I did a crumble top and a crust top pie.

Rylan and I spent most of our evening and morning making these two pies so they would turn out just perfect! And oh did they ever! I finally got to use my pie placemat and rolling pin sock(we call it a rolling pin condom) from Mimi!

This is Rylan rolling out the extra dough on the pie placemat..notice the rolling pin condom being used also..we gotta protect the great antique rolling pin! :-P We used the extra dough to make Mimi used to when we were little. (Don't mind his hair..this was shortly after we crawled out of bed Sunday morning.)

Oh yum! I love fresh blackberries!

Pies before baking.

The yummy pin-wheels we made.

Mom blowing out her candles. The picture before this was not I had to post one of her blowing out the candles instead of her smiling.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

KitchenAid Mixer

Sooooooooo I got a KitchenAid Mixer over the loooonnnggg weekend and I'm officially sold on it! I made 2 loaves of homemade bread and a batch of homemade cinnabon cinnamon rolls. YUMM YUMM! It was all so tasty and I really liked baking. I was a little scared of the whole yeast thing..but I didn't have any problems. Below are some pictures that I took while baking my first homemade bread.
Rolling the bread up and tucking the ends under to make such a pretty little loaf of bread.

Letting them raise before baking them.

In the oven.

The Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls were really good. A little messy..but good. We're gonna try a glaze icing next time instead of a cream cheese icing. We thought the cream cheese icing kind of over powered the cinnamon roll flavor. But it was still good.
Smearing the cinnamon mix on the dough before rolling it.

 Oh yum! The finished product! Half eaten! :-)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Oh Where Has The Time Gone

I know..I know..I know! It's time to update this thing! Seems like when I'm home..there are too many other things screaming my name that need attention..that I don't have time to post something. So here goes..I'm gonna try to catch everyone up!

Christmas was great..between all 8 Christmas gatherings that we made it to..we were only nearly dead at the last one. We had 5 on Christmas day to go to..and the best are always at mom's and Rylan's parents. I love opening stockings at mom's! I get more excited about those little things than I do big presents..probably because mom puts only the best of things in our stockings though. Randy had Julie play Deal or No Deal this year..and she won a cruise to Cozumel..FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY!!! Woo Hoo! We're going over Easter and I can't wait! I've never been on a cruise..and we're flying..which neither Rylan nor I have ever done either. So I am in for a real treat!

We spent New Years at the 'rent's house with some of their was either that or stay home. I'm just not a big fan of going to a HUGE gathering on New Years. Too many drunks out I guess. We played Partini..a game that Jen got Rylan for Christmas. It was really fun. We ended up with Sherri getting humped by Laney..and Sheila peeing her pants..Oh..and the Weilers winning all of the screw-your-neighbor money.

We're ready for Spring to come. It was SUPER cold the other day and Rylan asked me if we could just go out to Betty and Clarence's pond and sit on the dock and drink a beer...just for Summer's sake. I had to laugh and I told him he was crazy. We just love summer so much!