Sunday, November 22, 2009

Christmas Lights

We put up Christmas lights yesterday at mom and Pat's. What an it always is! We decided to put lights at the very top of the front of the house this year..wehich we've never nails had to be put into the wood before hanging the lights..and the ONLY way to hammer the nails in and hang the lights on that side is to lay on your belly with half of your body hanging off the roof. This picture is just that..Jen on her belly hammering in the nails while Bart holds on to her legs. Bart really had NO idea what he was getting himself into when he signed up to help. And any of you who have seen our house as Christmas know that we outline that ENTIRE house..sooo..needless to say..Bart had an all new experience yesterday.   :-) But I know he loved every minute of it!

This picture may be a little hard to see..but this is Jen and Bart on the little roof...they were trying a new way to hang they climbed out the bedroom window (the ONLY way joke!) and they have a stool. Now I did not get to watch what or how they attempted to make this work..but I'm going to guess that Jen tried to stand on the stool while Bart held onto it wouldn't fall off the roof. Just my speculations from across the woods..(I was taking senior pics of Cait). Funny stuff we are!! Always coming up with new ideas and new ways to TRY to make things easier?!? or more comical!

Jen is finishing things up in this picture..usually the antenna is the last thing to do..since you wouldn't want to climb up or down it with lights strung all over it..hence you'd crush them!! And we all know that mom does NOT need another strand of lights that don't at all or half way light up..stupid broken lights!!

I think days like this are the reason we all really don't want to do our own Christmas lights on our own houses. Not that we don't have a good time..because we do and I can remember whenever we'd skip school to hang Christmas lights without mom knowing until she got home. She'd be mad that we skipped school..but SOOO happy the lights were done and that she didn't have to help! :-) Gotta love the memories we've made! Maybe I'll post pictures of putting up mom's 12 foot tall Christmas tree this year..if I remember to take my camera when we help..hopefully there won't be any peeing of the pants this year..we won't mention who is famous for doing that.. :-) Love you Jen!!

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