Monday, December 21, 2009

Oh What Fun..It Is To...

Make hard candy at mom's house! With everyone there to help make a HUGE mess!! We made 9 batches, me, Rylan, Jen, Bart, Sam, Tyler, Mimi, and Laney..oh..and Bart's sister Katie came for a bit to help too. We had waaayy too much going on in the kitchen..between washing dishes(so we could reuse the pans for hard candy), salsa cheese dip, cranberry tea, potato soup, and hard candy..two batches at a time, I might add. And with all of us in the kitchen..IT WAS NUTS!! But we had a blast..made some good candy..and a terrible mess of powdered sugar.

We made watermelon, pomegranate-watermelon, cran-raspberry, blackberry, spearmint, peppermint, and 3 batches of cinnamon. The pomegranate-watermelon and blackberry are my favorite! If you have never made hard have to make plans to make it with us next year! It is definitely a fun event that everyone should get to experience.

Jen decided to show us a game they used to play at camp in Colorado. They would line up flour along the tables and at random places, make a bigger pile. You have to put your mouth right on top of the line and say chugga-chugga all the way down the line till you hit a big mound..and then you say choo-choo..and keep going.
So Jen demonstrated for us with powdered sugar..and it went EVERYWHERE. But it was absolutely hysterical! So then we made Bart do it too..

This would be a great game to play when you're made a big mess in mom's house..but it was already a mess from making hard candy.

Fun times!!

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